Finding My Voice

by Angela Chapes, Manhattan Toastmasters

The Manhattan Toastmasters and Toastmasters International has been a big influence on me since day one. Toastmasters International provides a supportive and positive learning environment that mentors and teaches you in a loving, caring and structured environment. 

I am a member in Good Standing with the Manhattan Toastmasters Club and frequently visit and support the Junction City and Powercat Masters (K-State) Toastmasters Clubs. 

Manhattan Toastmasters was the first Toastmasters club that I joined. All of this has been new to me because I have never given speeches before; especially in front of an audience. I am enjoying my time with mentors such as Shed Mayberry and Maslyn Prosper-Mayberry. I am very happy that I committed to Toastmasters. It feels like family.  I was mentored and supported in my Icebreaker speech and am currently working on giving my second speech to be presented soon.

I like structure because I don’t do well with chaos. I feel at home. Toastmasters has brought me new friends like Shed Mayberry and Maslyn Prosper-Mayberry that I can call on if needed. 

I feel like I am finding my voice. I am autistic with co-occurring mental illness anxiety and depression. My goals when I joined Toastmasters were to become an advocate for people with mental illness and autism; to be able to speak without being scared and shaking in my boots, and to learn leadership skills and apply those skills at work and in my personal life. 

Toastmasters have given me a platform to share my story and reach out to others. Meeting certain people in the club has led me to other platforms like writing my own personal blog. My message was for parents and families of autistic children to be positive influences in their children’s lives which will be a benefit in the future.

I have other ideas for my voice to be heard. Attending Toastmasters meetings make me feel good inside. Being able to share my story through writing and speaking is accomplishing what I set out to do. This is to advocate. It is happening right now and my plan is to do more in the future.  

Toastmasters has been a great experience for me because I have met a number of very loving people.

This challenges me to get outside of my comfort zone and to try new things which is speaking and talking to others that are outside my job and my friends. In the past, I would have been too nervous and shy to do that. For me it is working out well because I spoke on the radio and I used what I learned from my Toastmasters family. I spoke slowly, smiled, and was confident. I did really well. My confidence is growing by leaps and bounds. 

Where I go from here with Toastmasters will be exciting! It is the best organization in the world. Thanks to those who represent Toastmasters International. 

4 thoughts on “Finding My Voice”

  1. Well said! Isn’t it amazing, the people we meet and things we learn by stepping out of our comfort zone and stepping up to the plate to virtually knock it out of the park doing what we never intended or dreamed of doing! Kudos for your accomplishments and progress!


    Thanks for sharing your story Angela. We’re thankful to be a part of your Toastmasters journey as you strive to become an advocate for people with mental illness and autism. This is our vision in Toastmasters, to share ourselves as a resource through mentoring, supporting and educating our members.

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