A Word From Your Incoming 2021-22 District Director

The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings. –Kakuzo Okakaura

Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome – Unofficial slogan of the United States Marine Corps

The two quotes above encapsulate the experiences of the past year. For the past year, we have had to Innovate, Adapt and Overcome to readjust to our changing surroundings. We have learned to conduct our meetings from a seat in our homes rather than a seat around a meeting table. We have witnessed outstanding speakers present from a rectangular stage surrounded by a yellow frame, rather than pacing a stage in an auditorium. We have had the opportunity to have speakers from the far corners of the Earth share their knowledge with our District. We have also had the opportunity to attend Toastmasters meetings in those same far corners.

Our District will continue to take advantage of the virtual world. The positives of doing so far outweigh any negatives. Zoom accounts for each Division will continue to be available. Hybrid meeting information is already available on the District website, and we will continue to offer hybrid meeting training sessions.

I encourage every club to consider Hybrid meetings. Not all of our members will be ready to attend in-person meetings as quickly as others. Many clubs have added members who are not in the same geographic areas as club locations. We have many club coaches who have been and will need to continue to attend meetings virtually. We have incoming District leaders who will need to visit clubs virtually.

We are about to start a year full of learning opportunities. As your incoming District Director, I look forward to working together to Innovate, Adapt and Overcome and make this new year a success story for all of us.

Dan Arbuckle, DTM
Incoming 2021-2022 District 22, District Director

1 thought on “A Word From Your Incoming 2021-22 District Director”

  1. The District has led the way in their role to adapt, innovate and overcome. It is up to each club strive to meet the needs of each club member and strive to motivate each one to participate, to gain the benefits of the Toastmasters program in their own club.
    Adapting is now facilitated by Zoom and similar software. The future is here and now we are challenged to adapt to hybrid meetings and try to be in-person again. Let’s optimize this process for each member and keep the success of each Toastmaster foremost.
    Our District PRM has innovated private venues for collaboration with club officers serving in the same role. Officers in each role can collaborate and learn what successes can be achieved. Club presidents can encourage use of this innovation.
    When each club strives to meet the needs of each club member and strives to motivate each one to participate to gain the benefits of the Toastmasters program, we will overcome impediments and distractions and members will be excited about their progress and growth. We can do this.

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