A Word from the Outgoing Public Relations Manager

With my final report as PRM for District 22 I’d like to share some highlights about the past year.

The focus of public relations this year has been on “public recognition and brand awareness”, reaching and educating our communities on what Toastmasters is and how District 22 can help.

With my amazing social media assistant, Dan Jarman, we have expanded our social media presence with:

  • consistent Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter posts
  • creating and utilizing an Instagram account
  • posting training events on youtube to be used for education purposes.

We had some problems with MeetUp as it is focused on in-person meetings and most of our clubs have been virtual. Despite this, clubs have kept up with MeetUp and learned more ways to use this platform as in-person and hybrid meetings are being scheduled.

When we learned the District would not receive the funds intended for the professional development of a WordPress-based website, a site was developed internally. The focus of the site at the development was again, brand awareness, with the hopes of showing what Toastmasters and District 22 have to offer. Along this line we included a page of Toastimonials, to share member comments. We also included a blog where a few members have taken the opportunity to share their story.

As the new public-oriented site was going, team member David Wootan worked hard to continue to maintain the old website with member-only information, particularly through the District Council Meeting.

To continue with brand awareness, we ran an ad campaign on Facebook and LinkedIn. We took another step by enabling radio ads. We currently have ads running on KCUR, public radio music station in the Kansas City area. Effective in a few days we will also have ads running in the Salina KS and surrounding area on 3 radio stations – KSAL 1150am News Radio; FM 104.9 Classic Hits; and the Y93.7 Country Station. We are currently running digital ads on KMBC.com and the local weather app.

We broadcast some of our events LIVE on youtube this year, including the District Table Topics and International Speech contests. This allowed friends and family of the participants all around the world to view the contest without leaving their homes.

To enhance communication between the District and its membership, we started sending out newsletters on a weekly basis, offering less content, hoping to make it more likely to be read. We even added some video notices in the newsletters as well.

On the District Facebook page, we created private groups for each club officer role, one for Area and for Division Directors, and one for club coaches, sponsors, and mentors. The goal here is to offer one place for communication and a place to share ideas, comments, and suggestions with peers.

I have learned so much a PRM this year and am honored to have served District 22 in this manner. Thank you for allowing me this fantastic opportunity.

TerryAnn Porter, Public Relations Manager 2020-21 Toastmasters District 22

1 thought on “A Word from the Outgoing Public Relations Manager”

  1. TerryAnn,
    Thanks so much for your productive and forward thinking leadership. The District will benefit in the coming months because of your considerable efforts. Thanks!

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