Contest Results: Spring 2022

The following Toastmasters will be representing their Division at the District International Speech and Speech Evaluation Contest on Saturday, 14 May 2022.

Both the Club and the contestant must be in Good Standing by 30 April 2022.

Division T

International Speech – Joshua Theno, Powercat Masters
Speech Evaluation – Terryl Aitken, Manhattan Toastmasters

Division A

International Speech – Matt Plank, Sunrise Speakers
Speech Evaluation – Brandon Dills, Haworth – Wichita Toastmasters

Division L

International Speech – Scott Spilky, Bootstraps Toastmasters
Speech Evaluation – Cassandra Howerton, Professionally Speaking Toastmasters

Division K

International Speech – Rebeka Garcia-Cook, Lenexa Toastmasters
Speech Evaluation – Andre Redd, Toastmasters Unlimited

Division R

International Speech – Latisha Randolph,  Freedom to Speak Toastmasters
Speech Evaluation – Barbara Granade,  A Taste of Success

Division S

International Speech – Scott Caldwell, Springfield Toastmasters
Speech Evaluation – Jonathan Bunn, Table Talk Toastmasters