Leading District 22 in 2024-2025

David Wootan, District Director
Cheryl Reynolds, Program Quality Director
Darren Yarbrough, Club Growth DIrector

What is Toastmasters?

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Headquartered in Englewood, CO, the organization’s membership exceeds 364,000 in more than 16,200 clubs in 145 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.

Congratulations to the following District 22 members 2023-2024 “Of the Year” Award Recipients:

Club Coach of the Year – Kathy M. Draper

Club Sponsor of the Year – TerryAnn Porter

Area Director of the Year – Jiatong May Lynch

Division Director of the Year – Shelly Bolling-Strickland

Toastmaster of the Year – Shed Mayberry


Why do members join Toastmasters?

Why do they stay?

Upcoming Events

View the District Calendar for upcoming events and learning opportunities

Find A Club

Currently, most clubs are meeting virtually. Attend from the comfort of your favorite armchair.

Pathways Learning Experience

The Pathways learning experience is an interactive and flexible education program like no other. It was created to help you strengthen your communication and leadership skills as you grow toward personal and professional success—all while having fun with others in the process! Take this journey and partake in:

  • The opportunity to build more than 300 unique skillset competencies
  • 6 specialized learning paths
  • Online content, affording you to learn anytime, anywhere
  • Real-world, transferable skills
  • Content is available in Arabic, English, French, German, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish.
"When I first joined as a club member, I quickly realized that I could talk, but I couldn't communicate."
Richard E. Peck, DTM
International President